3 Things I learnt from Lizzie Velásquez
Sometimes life opens our doors to people who give us a life lesson, In the most beautiful way possible. Samreen Khimani analyses how sometimes people touch the deepest corners of our hearts, with just their vibes. These vibes are so strong and radiant, that even distance can't break it’s beauty and power. Lizzie Velásquez , she’s a fighter. Despite of knowing what most of the people have tagged her as, she still considers every step a chance to discover something new, a new day- a blessing.
What matters is quality and not quantity. I may have learnt only three things but what they imply in my life is something that words can indefinitely measure.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]No one can define who you are unless you choose to let their opinions shape you-
No matter how hard you try to fit yourself into the bunch of those standards laid down by the society, there always will be some fingers that will point at you for maybe reasons beyond your control. You cannot stop the kind of hate you wish never happened, but the truth is, they turn out to be the biggest hindrances of your life. Emotional and mental obstacles are even more hard to overcome than the physical ones and getting hate can be the worst form of both. To succeed, one must overcome every kind of hate thrown at them and keep moving on no matter what. Each and everyone of us have a unique personality and just mere words cannot label us as a human being.
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]There could be so much worse that could have happened to us-
No matter how our situation currently is, there are always chances that things would have been worse. We have to be thankful at every step of our life. What life has given to us is something that is happening for our own good, and no matter how hard the time is, it always does get better. Just like how its bright and sunny after a day full of rain and gloom, The clouds in our life also do not stay forever. They do bring out a sunshine, even though late.
[if !supportLists]3. [endif]There’s a lot to life than sitting and contemplating how bad life can be-
Life gives us more chances to live than to sit and grieve over what has happened. Every day brings a new reason for us to be alive. To be joyful about everything you have and you have been gifted with rather than brooding over something that will never be your for what is meant to be yours, will no matter what. It’s about how you look at life, It’s a blessing if you strive to attain happiness THAN success.
She has changed the way I perceive the world and I hope more and more people are able to view this world differently. If this world has to be emotionally-pollutant free, we will have to see each other through the eyes of love irrespective of how we look. Our looks can never define us, what really does is, what we think and what we feel.