Dream Big: Break Through the Cage
'The true dream is the one which deters you from sleeping and not the one you see while you are sleeping' one time I read this saying on the internet and it touched my feelings deeply since I found in it some of the consolation I needed to break through some hard moments I was facing. It was like a landmark that told me to what extent I was going on the right path heading for achieving the dreams existing in the land of the unknown. For humans are scared from all the blurry things in their lives and feel unsafe in front of the mysterious part of it, they prefer to go on the same track they have been going through for a long time as they know by heart the pitfalls which are lurking for them. That is to say leading the same lifestyle and doing the same things to protect their routine from being broken by the freshness of new events in their lives, because this, one might think, what forms their character and therefore define their 'mode of existence'.
Taking this into consideration one is aware of the internal contention that may generate over the multiplicity of choices, hence pointing out their goal and what should be made to achieve it. This represents only the half of the story, the other one represents a challenge that is posed by the entourage on the person himself. Change is always resisted, internally and externally, that is why one has to find a way out to reconcile the aftermaths of change within their character, that is to say shifting from one status to a different one, to come up with homogeneous attributes that would lead them to a new and sublime journey. For example, if someone has overweight and wants to cut it down they may feel doubtful of their new possible appearance and then abort the idea before it sees the light.
The above mentioned saying may suggest the efforts to be made in order to achieve one's goals. It's a journey full of hinders which directly poses new challenges that didn't exist before, hence one acquires new ways and techniques to adopt themselves to new 'disturbing' situations.
Before setting out on a new journey which most of the time is expected to be challenging, one faces different kinds of fears. It takes much of the positive energy that the person can invest in overcoming the challenges that may show up." People who didn't face failure in their lives, they simply didn't try to be successful” one person once said.
I think what kills our dreams is fear, fear from failure, fear from voicing our visions of life and then tailoring them to suit our existence in this life, but the worse fear in my eye, is the fear from being different.
It all starts with a dream that grows like a grain slowly, steadily and firmly till it blossoms at the end with rewarding fruits. Like grains some found the soil tilled and fertilized to grow in a healthy and promising way. However, some others may consider themselves to be 'unlucky' to be scattered or planted in harsh soil with little chance to thrive like the first ones. Grains or plants have no minds or other faculties that humans enjoy, though they never give up and find a way out to the light of the Sun. Instead, so many people got used to making up excuses, to the extent of being artists in doing that, in addition to blaming the status of their stingy lives on other people. They simply don’t take the initiative to achieve their (childhood) dreams. It’s possible that they lack self-confidence, but it all depends on taking the initiative.
If you believe in your dreams you are already half-way to achieve them
Focus on what you can and not what you can't. When your focus is turned to the points of strength, you nurture the positive side within you to derive more power to achieve your goals. This doesn't mean overestimating what you have of potential capabilities, but it means to seize them up and 'locate' them in you so that you would know well what you have. Thinking about what is positive would generate something of the same kind and thinking of and focusing on what is negative would generate something of the same kind as well.
Every beginning is difficult except the beginning of frustration. It's like a stone you drop downhill or mountain, it's difficult to get it up but it's not impossible. What it needs is a driving power that pushes it up till it reaches to the top. That driving power for humans is the will which comes out of a clear vision
Do not reveal your dreams to dream killers
Why should we not reveal our dreams to such people and who are they?
Dream killers can be the ones who do not have a clear vision for their lives, they are like sailors who are lost in the heart of the sea and don't know how to reach the mainland. They don't even know what a compass is, let alone using it to get out of their ordeal. Since you dream, it means you have a vision which supposes that you see what they don't see because they are lost in their own sea. It's exactly like someone who is blind and you try to make them realize the same object in the same manner and have the same experience. It’s not meant here to belittle the blind people, not at all, I believe many of them see by their hearts what we can't see with our eyes. What is meant here is the discrepancy at the level of visualizing and then experiencing things.
Sometimes you are just finalizing your plan and you try to make sure that everything should be in its exact place. Other times you are not quite sure of some things that you need to be enlightened about and you feel that you need someone to back your plan up. At this particular point one should be careful to whom they are revealing their golden ideas. Sometimes you receive nothing but mockery and doubt that is eloquently and clearly expressed at your face. It's not meant here to doubt the friendship of many people around us, but some of them are not aware of their position at all for different matters.
I personally feel sometimes that I am inside an invisible cage, I can say that this cage consists of friends, the people of entourage and maybe even family members. Every individual people has a picture in mind on who you are or rather how you should be, and in case you be different from what they have in mind, they resist wittingly or unwittingly the idea that you are different of what they have in mind. No matter what they think, and no matter what pictures they have drawn in their little minds you should be yourself to break through all these invisible boundaries.
Story Teller- Tarik El Kassimi