Home Sweet Home

“Its where our journey begins,
Its where you find your tools to go out,
Step by step you learn to love,
Step by step you feel the support.
Embraced in the serenity,
Embraced in the light of your loved ones,
Where you create memories for life,
Where food is served hot and cherished.
You start to dream,
You dream of building more,
A desire to provide and contribute,
A desire to grow the family.
Within the walls of safety,
Within the not perfect but own dream,
Here is where we share,
Here is where our journey ends”
Aasim Yacub
“A home or domicile is a dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual, family, household or several families in a tribe.” , is how Wikepedia defines a home as! But for every one, home is something way more than what could fit in exactly 25 words. A home is where we feel safe, is where we find our strength, is where we grow, is where we share and the list continues. Now imagine this safe haven being taken away from you. In the snap of a second all this you’ve created being snatched so suddenly, so unwarned, so violently! This was the very plight for the Syrian refugees. Aasim Yacub sits with one such syrian family, the Moussafi family who share their story and life back home.
The Moussafi family fled their home, Al-Sanayamayn District, Syria during the March of 2014 due to the revolts and uprising in their neighboring districts. Mr. Hanouf Moussafi, recalls, “One of the best part about home (their district) was that everyone knew each other by the name. The district was so small that whatever occupation the family was involved with, were recognized with the name associated with their business. It was amazing to know everyone and live in such a close- knitted society. We were self sufficient” The father of 3 says he came to Dubai seeking a better life for his family. He is currently employed in a law firm in the UAE for legal consultancy and advising. His reminiscences his days in Syria, “A beautiful city it was. I remember my kids playing in the small back yard we had in our colony. Kids from next door used to come in and play.” Mrs. Jehan Moussafi, whilst serving her delicious Baklava in the 24th floor apartment in Downtown boasts, “The sweets we have in Syria are to die for! I had a small bakery in the area there, we had the best food in the place. Growing up a girl child in Syria, my mother used to keep me busy in the kitchen with her wonderful recipes. Since my childhood days, I developed a passion for cooking and am very proud to bring to the table the rich flavours of Syria.” Seeking a home away from home in Dubai, the family of 5 is very proud of their culture and roots, “Even though Syria gave up on us, I know my family and myself will always practice the Syrian culture, we will never give up on Syria.” says, Hanouf wiping tears from his eyes.
There seemed to be such a strong affiliation and tie with their home land that reflected in the way they had decorated their humble home in the glamorous city of Dubai. The rustic colours and the bedouin sort of layout of their hall was phenomenal as it contrasted the modern and dynamic city outside their apartment window. Saina Moussafi, 15, daughter exclaimed, “Everything was so different when we came here, I had lost my friends, I had lost my pink room back home and also I dressed so differently than what people wear here.” Staring blankly at the family portrait taken in Sabkat Al Jabbul during a family vacation 7 years back, hung with prestige on the lobby wall. She continues, “I remember asking my parents when we moved here 3 years back – are we ever gonna go back home?”
The entire family seems to bear so much emotion and weight, however now have recognized Dubai to be there home sweet home. They all concluded one thing, that though they may have physically shifted from their birth place their heart will always be grounded to the land of their ancestors, the land they reaped their harvest from, the land they once called HOME!